Regain strength after cancer treatment
Who would benefit from Oncology Rehabilitation?
The Oncology Rehabilitation is aimed at patients with cancer who completed the cancer treatment and want to regain strength, physical functioning, and independence.
- Colorectal carcinomas
- Breast cancer
- Gynaecological tumours
- Testicular tumour
- Lymphoma
- Lung carcinomas
- Condition after stem cell therapy
- Other types of tumour
The aim of Oncology Rehabilitation is to improve quality of life for cancer patients through:
- treating and managing tumour-associated complications and consequential symptoms such as limited mobility, scar pain, nervous limitation, etc.
- strengthening physical performance
- helping patients to cope with and eventually to defeat tumour-associated psychological problems such as anxiety or depression
- optimising pain therapy
- providing patients with dietary advice tailored to the type of tumour
- improving existing resources
- Medical entry examination
- Development of an individual treatment programme
- Medical training therapy and gymnastics
- Indication-specific theoretical training and lectures
- Nutritional counselling
- Psychology
- Occupational therapy including art therapy
- Counselling by a social worker
- Regular medical process examination
- Social and vocational counselling
Application form
Humanomed Center Althofen has billing contracts with the following social insurance companies in Austria: Pensionsversicherungsanstalt (PVA), SVS, BVAEB and ÖGK.
Your doctor submits the completed application form to your insurance company in order to get the treatment costs covered.
You will be notified by your insurance company via mail when your application has been approved. Hence, we will send you the date of stay in our facility.
Download your application form hiere:

Our Team
Elisabeth Isak
Head of Onkology Rehabilitation, Doctor of internal medicine, specialisation in hematology-oncology
Astrid Faupl, MD
Doctor of internal medicine
Magdalena Hribernik, MD
Doctor of internal medicine
Head of therapy
Gudrun Aichern
Bernhard Putzinger
Mirjam Walthart
Jeanine Olsacher
Head of nursing staff
Claudia Blasnig
Head nurse
Elfriede Seidl
Social worker
Gisela Spendier, BA
Barbara Felsberger
Johanna Obendrauf, BSc
Margaretha Unterhuber
Speech therapist
Daniela Luckinger