The new medical cure

The new medical cure "Gesundheitsvorsorge aktiv (GVA)" was invented by the social pension insurance company (Pensionsversicherungsanstalt) and focuses on physical activity and mental health. It is aimed on prolonging the healthy years of life and decreasing the amount of sickness absence.

Who would benefit from the GVA?

GVA is aimed at patients with

  • degenerative and inflammatory muskuloskeletal diseases
  • other inflammatory diseases e. g. psoriasis, gout, connective tissue disease
  • limitations after injuries or surgical procedures, e. g. joint or spine surgery


The new holistic medical cure "Gesundheitsvorsorge Aktiv" (GVA) focuses on physical activity and mental health. It is aimed on prolonging the healthy years of life and decreasing the amount of sickness absence.

GVA supports you in adapting a healthier lifestyle and hence increasing the quality of life on a long-term basis. Recovery and detachment from everyday life are two important factors of success.

Outside your usual environment, you can positively change your behaviour in how to deal with stress, adapt a healthy diet and include more physical activity in your everyday life.


In the course of your medical entry examination, your doctor will define the main focus of your treatment based on your individual therapy aims.

GVA consists of the main modules physical activity and mental health which are added to a basic module.

Basic module
Gymnastics, aqua fitness, medical training therapy with cardio (bicycle ergometer), strength training and relaxation.

Module physical activity optimisation
This comprises gymnastics, medical training therapy, including nordic walking, cardio and strength training. In workshops and lectures you will gain noteworthy knowledge on healthy physical activity and training effects.

Module physical activity motivation
The main focus lies on increasing the motivation for physical activity as well as reducing fear and doubts of physical activity and sports.

Module mental health
In group sessions you will learn about psychological aspects in health behaviour and relaxation techniques.

Regular medical process examinations assure a therapeutic success.


Application form

Humanomed Center Althofen has billing contracts with the following social insurance companies in Austria: PVA and BVAEB.

Your doctor submits the completed application form to your insurance company in order to get the treatment costs covered.

You will be notified by your insurance company via mail when your application has been approved. Hence, we will send you the date of stay in our facility.

Download your application form here:


Our Team

Elke Böttcher, MD
Head of Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Medical Spa
Doctor of internal medicine and rheumatology

Sieglinde Bernögger, MD
Doctor of general medicine

Cornelia Gaggl, MD
Doctor of general medicine

Karin Hornbanger, MD
Doctor of general medicine

Head of therapy
Gudrun Aichern

Sandra Auer
Herbert Mayerhofer

Head of nursing staff
Claudia Blasnig